In this post I’ll talk about Archaius, a pretty cool and easy to use Configuration Management tool from Netflix.

Have you ever read your configuration variables like this?

String prop = System.getProperty("myProperty");
try {
  x = Integer.parseInt(prop);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  // handle format issues

Or maybe you have a properties file that you read using Spring. Or maybe you have a simple key/value table in your DB with some properties that you read from there? Or you get them from an external REST endpoint? Or from other type of key/value store like Redis or Memcached?

Whatever the case might be your configuration variables might be coming from a lot of different sources and, specially if your app uses more than one, this can become difficult to maintain. Additionally, you don’t want to do a re-deploy every time you need to change the value of one of your properties, particularly for feature toogles.

Luckily, the Netflix folks already had these issues and came up with a solution that they were kind enough to open source. If you haven’t seen Netflix Github repository I strongly recommend that you take a look. They have some serious cool projects that could be just the thing your application needs. One of those projects is the one that concerns us today: Archaius.

Their wiki and examples should give you a very good idea of what Archaius is and what it is useful for. For now I’ll just say that Archaius is an extension of Apache’s Common Configuration library that allows you to retrieve properties from several dynamic sources and that it solves all the issues mentioned previously (heterogeneous sources of properties, run-time changes, etc.).

Rather than going into much details about what the tool is and does I’ll go with some examples instead. What is the simplest possible example to use Archaius to read a property file? The well known “Hello World”:

public class ApplicationConfig {

  public String getStringProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
    final DynamicStringProperty property = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getStringProperty(key,
    return property.get();

public class ApplicationConfigTest {
  private ApplicationConfig appConfig = new ApplicationConfig();

  public void shouldRetrieveThePropertyByKey() {
    String property = appConfig.getStringProperty("", "default message");

    assertThat(property, is("Hello Archaius World!"));

  public void shouldRetrieveDefaultValueWhenKeyIsNotPresent() {
    String property = appConfig.getStringProperty("some.key", "default message");

    assertThat(property, is("default message"));

That code, together with a “” file somewhere in your classpath (src/main/resources by convention in Maven and Gradle for example).

Notice that you don’t need to tell Archaius where to find your properties file because the default name that he is going to be looking for is “”. This exampl doesn’t seem like a big improvement over what you would usually do with Spring or any other tool but remember that this is just a “Hello World” and bear with me to see more interesting use cases.

What if you don’t want or can’t name your property file “”? In that case you need to tell Archaius where to look for this file. You can easily do this changing the system property ‘archaius.configurationSource.defaultFileName’, either passing it as a parameter to the vm when you start your application

java ... 

or in the code itself:

public class ApplicationConfig {
  static {
    System.setProperty("archaius.configurationSource.defaultFileName", "");

  public String getStringProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
    final DynamicStringProperty property = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getStringProperty(key,
    return property.get();

Simple enough, right?

Now, what if you want to read several properties files? You can easily define a chain of property files and the order in which they should be loaded starting from the default file which is loaded first. From there, you can specify a special property with key to tell Archaius which is the next file that should be loaded. In our example so far, we could add the following line to our “” file: and add the corresponding to our resources folder with the following content: value.

We can see this working by adding the following test to our ApplicationConfigTest class:

public void shouldReadCascadeConfigurationFiles() {
  String property = appConfig.getStringProperty("", "not found");

  assertThat(property, is("cascade value"));

Note that we are getting the property from the new file without any additional change to our ApplicationConfig class. This is completely transparent from the point of view of our client.

Until now, we have been reading properties just from different property files but what if you want to read them from a different source? In the most general case, you can code your own logic by implementing “”. If that new source is a database that can be accessed through JDBC then Archaius already provides a “JDBCConfigurationSource” that you can use. You only need to tell him what query he should use to get the properties and which columns represent the property key and property value.

So our example would look like:

public class ApplicationConfig {
  static {
    System.setProperty("archaius.configurationSource.defaultFileName", "");

  private final DataSource dataSource;

    public ApplicationConfig(DataSource dataSource) {
      this.dataSource = dataSource;

  public String getStringProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
    final DynamicStringProperty property = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getStringProperty(key,
    return property.get();

  private void installJdbcSource() {
    if (!isConfigurationInstalled()) {
      PolledConfigurationSource source = new JDBCConfigurationSource(dataSource,
          "select distinct property_key, property_value from properties", "property_key", "property_value");
      DynamicConfiguration configuration = new DynamicConfiguration(source,
          new FixedDelayPollingScheduler(100, 1000, true));


We are using Spring to autowire a data source that will use an in-memory H2 database with a simple key/value table. Note how we create a new PolledConfigurationSource using the JDBCConfigurationSource already provided by Archaius and then we register the new configuration using the ConfigurationManager. After doing this we can get any property from the DB exactly the same way we do it for properties files (i.e., using the DynamicPropertyFactory).

We can now add a couple of tests to make sure that we are actually reading properties from the DB and that we can update their values and see the changes reflected in our dynamic configuration.

public void shouldRetrievePropertyFromDB() {
  String property = appConfig.getStringProperty("", "default message");

  assertThat(property, is("this is a db property"));

public void shouldReadTheNewValueAfterTheSpecifiedDelay() throws InterruptedException {
  template.update("update properties set property_value = 'changed value' where property_key = ''");
  String property = appConfig.getStringProperty("", "default message");

  //We updated the value on the DB but Archaius polls for changes every 1000 milliseconds so it still sees the old value
  assertThat(property, is("this is a db property"));


  property = appConfig.getStringProperty("", "default message");
  assertThat(property, is("changed value"));

To conclude this post, another really cool feature offered by Archaius is the possibility to register our configurations as MBeans via JMX. We can do this by default setting the system property archaius.dynamicPropertyFactory.registerConfigWithJMX=true or programmatically with ConfigJMXManager.registerConfigMbean(config);.

After doing this we can connect via JConsole and not only get the value of all properties but also update them and see their new value reflected in Archaius. This would allow us, for instance, to change the values of properties defined statically in property files during runtime without the need for a server push. We can modify our ApplicationConfig class a little bit to add a main method that will keep running printing the values of different properties, allowing us to play around in JConsole.

public class ApplicationConfig extends Thread {

  private final DataSource dataSource;

    public ApplicationConfig(DataSource dataSource) {
      this.dataSource = dataSource;
      DynamicConfiguration jdbcSource = installJdbcSource();

  public String getStringProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
    final DynamicStringProperty property = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getStringProperty(key,
    return property.get();

    public void run() {
      while (true) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);


  private void registerMBean(DynamicConfiguration jdbcSource) {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("archaiusContext.xml");
    ApplicationConfig applicationConfig = (ApplicationConfig) applicationContext.getBean("applicationConfig");


    while (true) {
      try {
        System.out.println(applicationConfig.getStringProperty("", "default message"));
        System.out.println(applicationConfig.getStringProperty("", "default message"));
        System.out.println(applicationConfig.getStringProperty("", "default message"));
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);


And that’s it for now. You can find all the code showed in this post at

There’s a lot more you can do with Archaius, like Callbacks everytime a property changes, integration with Zookeeper and other services. Check out the Archaius project and examples at their Github repo.