This is going to be the first on a series of posts where I’ll explore in a bit of detail the new functional programming ideas introduced by Java 8. In this post I’ll introduce some concepts and go in very high-level details about all the new features introduced by Java 8. Subsequent posts will dive into more details about each specific topic.

Functional programming

Since the title of the post is “An overview of functional style programming in Java” it makes sense that we define what functional programming means first. Unfortunately this is one of those things that you can ask 50 different people and you will get 50 different answers. Nevertheless I will give it a shot.

Functional programming is a style of programming (or a programming paradigm) where programs are executed by evaluating expressions. This is in contrast to imperative (or procedural) languages where computations are made by executing a series of statements that usually change global state. In functional programming, on the other hand, mutable state is usually avoided. The output of a function is exclusively dependent on the values of its inputs. This means that if we call a function x amount of times with the same parameters we’ll get exactly the same result every time. We already discussed in a previous post the benefits of immutable data but eliminating the side effects of functions makes it a lot easier to reason about programs and is one of the main motivators for functional programming.

So what makes a given language functional? Well, again, there doesn’t seem to be a clear consensus but the main features that are expected in any functional language are:

  • First class and Higher Order Functions: these have a strong mathematical background but in layman terms it means that the language treats functions as first class citizens. In other words you can assign functions to variables, pass them around in parameters to other functions, return them from other functions and define them inline as lambda expressions

  • Pure functions: functions with absolutely no side effects or that operate on immutable data. As we discussed before, this has several benefits. First, since the data can not be changed (accidentally or on purpose) this means that it can be freely shared improving memory requirements and enabling parallelism. Second, because the function will return the same result for invocations with the same parameters (known as referential transparency) the result can be easily cached and returned any number of times, improving performance. Finally, since the computation of functions are referentially transparent they can be computed at any time and still give the same result. This enables lazy evaluation to defer the computation of values until the point when they are needed. A nice application of this is to be able to have infinite data structures

  • Recursion: functional languages usually make heavy use of recursion, specially to iterate over structures

  • Closures: since functions are treated like first class citizens it’s really useful to be able to pass them around together with their referencing environment (a reference to each non-local variable of that function). You can see an example of this here

  • Currying or partial application: also related to higher order functions. In simple terms, the ability to evaluate functions with multiple parameters one by one, producing on each step a new function with one less argument. For example: f(x,y) = x + y. We can call f(2,3) to get 5 but we could also evaluate f(3) = g(y) = 3 + y.

These are some of the features expected in a functional language. Certainly Java is not a functional language (and it’s probably never going to be) when you compare it with other pure functional languages like Haskell or Erlang. But that doesn’t mean that you can not use a functional style in Java. However, until Java 7 the syntax and facilities of the language made it really hard and cumbersome to do so.

Java with a functional style

Java 8 introduces a set of changes and syntactic sugar that reflect a move away from the classical object oriented paradigm towards the functional style spectrum. Again, this doesn’t mean that now Java has suddenly became a functional language. It only means that you can now combine some aspects of OO with some aspects of functional programming to produce easier to read, write and maintain applications. We’ll see an overview of these new features in the following sections.

Methods as first class citizens

Remember how we talked higher order functions and being able to pass them around as parameters to other functions? In Java the concept of function is associated with a method. Traditionally you could define methods inside classes and then pass those classes to other methods but you could not pass the method itself. Let see this with an example. Let’s say you want to list all directories under the current path. You could do something like this:

File[] directories = new File(".").listFiles(new FileFilter() {
    public boolean accept(File pathname) {
      return pathname.isDirectory();

You use the listFiles method of the File class and you pass a FileFilter instance to tell it which of the files it should actually return. That is not too bad but it does seem a bit weird that we have to create an anonymous class just to be able to call the isDirectory method on the File object.

To make this easier to write and read, Java 8 introduced the concept of method reference. So you could rewrite the previous code as:

File[] directories = new File(".").listFiles(File::isDirectory);

Isn’t that a lot better? Using the reference operator (::) you can create method references in the same way you create object references with the keyword new and the pass those method references around like we saw.


We quickly mentioned the concept of lambdas or anonymous functions and how they are a key aspect of functional languages. We’ll see how their introduction in Java 8 makes our life easier by using the file filtering example again, except that this time we want to return only the csv files. Previous to Java 8 you could do something like the following:

File[] csvFiles = new File(".").listFiles(new FileFilter() {
    public boolean accept(File pathname) {
      return pathname.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("csv");

In this case, however, we can not use a method reference because there is no method on the File class that takes an instance of this class and returns a boolean to determine whether the file is a csv or not. We could create a class with such a method and then pass a reference to it, but that wouldn’t improve things much with respect to the anonymous class version we just saw. Instead, we can use the new concept of an anonymous method like this:

File[] csvFiles = new File(".")
                    .listFiles(pathname -> pathname.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("csv"));

This creates a method that takes a pathname parameter of type File (implicit) and returns true if that file ends with csv.

Lets look at other example that will set the ground for the next topic. Imagine that we have a simple User class:

public class User {
  private final int age;
  private final String name;
  private final Sex sex;

  public User(int age, String name, Sex sex) {
    this.age = age; = name; = sex;

  public int getAge() {
    return age;

  public Sex getSex() {
    return sex;

public enum Sex {

Now imagine we want to filter a list of those users to get only the adult ones (18 or older). We could do a typical for loop iteration like:

public List<User> adults(List<User> allUsers) {
  List<User> adultUsers = new ArrayList<>();
  for (User user : allUsers) {
    if (user.getAge() >= 18) {
  return adultUsers;

Now imagine we want to do filter them again but this time we want to get just the male users. Very similar to the last code we could do:

public List<User> males(List<User> allUsers) {
  List<User> maleUsers = new ArrayList<>();
  for (User user : allUsers) {
    if (MALE.equals(user.getSex())) {
  return maleUsers;

Those two snippets of code look suspiciously similar. And they should since I copy pasted the first into the second and just changed the condition evaluation.

How can we remove this duplication? Java 8 introduced the Predicate interface. This interface defines a single method boolean test(T t). Similar things already existed in Guava and Apache Commons but the nice thing about this new interface in Java 8 is that it’s a functional interface. What this basically means is that it can be used as the assignment target of lambda expressions or method references. That’s a lot of fancy words so let’s see how we can refactor the previous example to use this feature:

public List<User> filterUsers(List<User> allUsers, Predicate<User> predicate) {
  List<User> result = new ArrayList<>();
  for (User user : allUsers) {
    if (predicate.test(user)) {
  return result;

This is the same iteration and filtering as before, except that now we are delegating the condition evaluation to the Predicate. And here is where the functional interface definition we saw before comes in. You don’t need to create an implementation of the Predicate interface, you can just pass a method reference or lambda. Suddenly, your two filter methods are as simple as:

public List<User> adults(List<User> allUsers) {
  return filterUsers(allUsers, user -> user.getAge() >= 18);

public List<User> males(List<User> allUsers) {
  return filterUsers(allUsers, User::isMale);

It seems like iterating through a Collection filtering its elements is a pretty common operation. Do we really need to define a filter method that takes a Predicate every time we need it? The answer is no, you don’t. Meet Java 8 Streams.


Almost every Java application needs to work with collections of elements. They need to create them, iterate through them, filter them, group their elements and so on. And yet, dealing with Java collections always seems cumbersome. Furthermore, you usually end up repeating the same boilerplate code like we saw on the last example. Let’s look at another example of our User class to see how simple operations such as filtering and grouping can become a real pain to handle. Imagine we want to take our list of users and from there, we want to filter out all underage users and then group them by sex. We basically want a method that returns a Map<Sex,List<User>> so that then we can say something like result.get(MALE) and get back a list of all the male users of 18 or more. We could write something like the following:

public Map<Sex, List<User>> groupUsers(List<User> allUsers) {
  Map<Sex, List<User>> result = new HashMap<>();
  for (User user : allUsers) {
    if (user.getAge() >= 18) {
      List<User> currentUsers = result.get(user.getSex());
      if (currentUsers == null) {
        currentUsers = new ArrayList<>();
  return result;

You can see there’s a lot of boilerplate to iterate through the list, to filter some users, to check whether we had a previous value on the map and so on. This makes the code harder to understand at first glance.

With the Stream API introduced in Java 8 we can refactor the previous code to:

public Map<Sex, List<User>> groupUsers(List<User> allUsers) {
  return allUsers
    .filter(user -> user.getAge() >= 18)

We’ll cover streams in more details in future posts. For now it is worth noting that even though Streams and Collections might seem similar (a sequence of elements) they are crucially different. With Collections you have to manage the iteration yourself, which is error prone and results in duplication of code. With Streams the iteration is managed internally by the library, you only to specify the behavior of what you are trying to do with it.

Another big advantage of Streams over Collections is that they take advantage of parallelism without the need for the programmer to use convoluted and error prone synchronization mechanisms. In the previous example, if we know that the list of Users is potentially big we could split the stream to process it in parallel by doing one simple modification:

public Map<Sex, List<User>> groupUsers(List<User> allUsers) {
  return allUsers
    .filter(user -> user.getAge() >= 18)

As always, if something seems to good to be true it usually is. So this “using parallelism” with a one liner change has its own restrictions and might not work as intended every time. We’ll explore more of that on the next post.

If you were looking closely at the examples you might have noticed that the List class has a stream and parallelStream methods that were not there before Java 8. Where are these methods declared? They are coming from Collection, an interface that List actually extends. But how did they add a new method to an interface that is being heavily used and implemented by classes outside of Java without breaking them? By implementing them on the Collection interface itself using a new feature introduced in Java 8, default methods.

Default methods

Like I said before, the new default method feature allows you to actually implement a given method on the interface. Using the stream example from the Collection interface, its implementation looks like:

default Stream<E> stream() {
  return, false);

Notice the new default keyword on the method signature. Similarly, now the List interface has a sort method. So you don’t need to do Collections.sort(myList, myComparator) anymore, you can simply do myList.sort(myComparator). Again, the sort method was implemented as a default method on the List interface.

This new feature is mainly there to help library providers to evolve their APIs more easily, adding methods they didn’t originally think about without breaking existing clients. While this feature is certainly available to all Java users (not only APIs designers) you should use it with care, as you could end up making the code harder to understand.

Note that default methods introduce certain problems for the compiler as well. What happens if my interface A defines the default method foo and class B implements A and overrides foo? Which method gets invoked when I do a new B().foo()? Even more interesting, what if I also have a C interface with a default method foo and B implements both A and C? Which one gets called? There are two basic rules to decide which code gets executed in these situations:

  1. Classes always take priority over interfaces. If you have a default method in an interface and you override that method in a class, then the method in the class will always win

  2. If you have two interfaces and both define the same default method then you have to explicitly tell Java which one it should use, otherwise you get a compilation error. For example:

    public interface A {
      default void foo() {
    public interface B {
      default void foo() {
    public class C implements A,B {
      public void foo() {;


Since the release of Java 1.0 in 1996, the language has been evolving gradually over the years to accommodate the new technologies and practices of the industry. Some would say that the changes introduced in Java 8 are in some ways more profound that any other change introduced on Java’s history. These changes do not only move Java to a more functional style but also aim to provide developers with the capabilities to make better use of concurrency, a crucial aspect in times where the data that needs to be processed becomes larger and larger.

It should be clear though, the fact that Java now has some of the features that are available and largely used in functional languages doesn’t automatically make it a functional language as well. Java is still at its core an Object Oriented, imperative programming language and will continue to be so. As with most things in technology, these new features are merely tools that you can add to your toolbox. It’s your job to understand them and knowing when it makes sense to use them and, more importantly, when it doesn’t.
